Camrose, Alberta, Canada – PFB Tower

High Speed Receiving and PFB Blending Systems

Cargill’s new plant in Camrose, Alberta, features the latest in blending technology paired with high speed receiving and
wholesale operations. Receiving from rail or truck, the system transfers material via belt conveyor and bucket elevator to a tripper conveyor that allows for maximum fill within the bins. For loadout, The Precision Fertilizer Blending Tower® is
fed by an in-floor reclaim and material is conditioned before being loaded into the overhead storage.

The Camrose plant was designed for high capacity operations, but provides the accuracy to formula need to ensure support for 4R Nutrient Stewardship and nutrient use efficiency.


For more information, visit Cargill on the web here.

Specs at a Glance

Receiving System: 750+/- mtph, rail and truck receiving
Blending System: PFB Tower with multiple loadout options. Operates in Blend and Wholesale mode
Storage: 275mt overhead in 12 bins (8 macro and 4 micro), and 4 100mt Wholesale Bins
Blender: 5 ton (4.5mt) HIM 2.0 Precision Mixer
Capacity: 275+/- mtph, via 4mt batches
Discharge: To Trucks, Certified legal for trade